ASCC 13th Asia Smart City Conference


English & Japanese

DAY 210.24 Thu.

Special keynote
GREEN STAGE 10:00-10:30

Building climate smart and resilient cities ~ Replicable and scalable solutions for livable cities ~
BLUE STAGE 10:00-12:00

Coming soon

From Yokohama: The Possibilities of Semiconductor Open Innovation
GREEN STAGE 10:40-11:25

Semiconductors are indispensable for the achievement of a decarbonized society. This session will discuss the current and future prospects for open innovation in the broad-based semiconductor industry, including global trends in research and development, as well as visions for projects and consortiums promoted by leading companies in the industry.
Advances in smart cities, AI, and other technologies are expected to lead to a significant increase in the amount of data traffic and enormous power consumption worldwide. In order reduce power consumption and further develop digital technology, innovation in semiconductor miniaturization and high lamination technology is indispensable.
In this session, companies and universities promoting cutting-edge research and development in the semiconductor industry will introduce newly started projects and ongoing consortium efforts. They will talk about the possibilities of open innovation and the future of the semiconductor industry.

Yokohama's potential as Asia's circular economy hub
GREEN STAGE 11:30-12:00
English & Japanese

The Minato Mirai 21 district and its surrounding areas are home to large corporate R&D and startups, international organizations, universities, and their satellite bases, and efforts to generate innovation are progressing.
On the other hand, in Yokohama, which has a population of approximately 3.37 million people, it is essential for residents to decarbonize and become circular. How can we make Yokohama a circular city that Asia can be proud of?
In this session, people who have been working on decarbonization and circularity will explore the possibilities of Yokohama.

GREEN STAGE 13:10-14:10

Lectures and panel discussions on the current status and future possibilities of African businesses.
In this session, we will share knowledge of companies and other organizations active in the frontlines of African business. Topics include how they started their business in Africa, strategies for solving local problems, and efforts to build networks, relationships of trust, and to scale up their business.

Synergies of SDGs and Climate Action – Through the Network of CityNet -
BLUE STAGE 13:10-15:10

CityNet is a non-profit international organization dedicated to improving and solving urban problems in the Asia-Pacific region, and its network covers 162 cities and organizations. CityNet operates in three clusters, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Cluster which is an intercity network to promote international cooperation to achieve the SDGs, and while the target year of 2030 for achieving the SDGs approaches, the progress on a global scale is found to be lagging behind. In particular, “Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts” is closely related to the achievement of other goals with synergies and is a goal for which international cooperation is essential. Under these circumstances, it is expected that local governments, as one of key actors, will contribute to the achievement of the global goals including combating climate change, by promoting their efforts related to the SDGs and climate action, and sharing their knowledge and experience internationally.
In this session, CityNet member cities and organizations, including Yokohama City, and related international organizations will introduce their knowledge and experiences on SDGs and climate action through the network of the CityNet. In addition, by discussing on the synergies between SDGs localization and climate action, further promotion of SDGs and climate action in the Asia-Pacific region, including CityNet members, is expected through strengthening the city-to-city network.

Our Future is Here ~Let’s fight climate change together!~
GREEN STAGE 14:30-15:10

From the perspective of world peace and safety, climate change and food crisis are increasingly serious threats. In order to overcome this pressing crisis and implement a sustainable future, the ideas and sensibility of innovative young people, as well as multilevel collaboration and cooperation are needed.
Taking the opportunity of the opening of GREEN×EXPO 2027, in this youth led session we will search for the optimal solution to sustain nature, people, and society together. The participants will be young people from the “Yokohama Future Generations Platform”, launched as a platform for triggering action, and the “IFAD Youth Club”, launched with the purpose of aiming at a sustainable agriculture and food system, in resonance with the mission of the U.N. specialized agency International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Young participants will share knowledge and ideas aimed at a local and global future and activities which make the best use of their sensibility, discussing about the implementation of a sustainable future through the cooperation with multi-stakeholders.

Main Session Leading the Way to a Green Future: Role of the Asian Smart City Conference
BLUE STAGE 15:20-16:30


  • 古河電池
  • 石井造園
  • 大川印刷
  • T&G
  • 横浜銀行

Media Partner

  • Peatix ピーティックス
  • ヨコハマ経済新聞
  • Circular Yokohama
  • ideasforgood
City of Yokohama
  • 明日をひらく都市OPEN PIONEER
Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Ministry of the Environment
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) Representation Office in Tokyo